Adjacency matrix of the storage structure of the graph for the DFS and BFS traversals. 对以邻接矩阵为存储结构的图进行DFS和BFS遍历。
Backtracking algorithm for assigning dormitory problem based on matrix storage 基于矩阵存储的学生分班问题的回溯算法
This paper introduces the basic idea and algorithm of sparse Matrix multiplication by using incompact storage method. 介绍了对稀疏矩阵进行压缩存储时,稀疏矩阵相乘运算的基本思想和算法。
An Improvement to Sparse Matrix Triple Scale Compression Storage 稀疏矩阵三元组表压缩存储方法的改进
The traditional Dijkstra algorithm was optimized with dynamic adjacent node relation matrix and adjacent node weight matrix, which reduced the storage space and improved the calculation efficiency, and the corresponding algorithm was given. 用动态邻接结点关系矩阵和邻接结点权矩阵对经典的Dijkstra算法进行了改进,节省了计算机存储空间、提高了计算效率,并给出了基本算法。
By analyze the matrix element of all force density matrix, the storage rule of the force density matrix was found. 通过对各个矩阵基本元素分析,找到了力密度矩阵的组装规律和一维变带宽存储的规则及实现算法和过程,并给出了详细的力密度矩阵的装配过程。
Does a Matrix Converter Need Energy Storage Elements? 矩阵变换器真的不需要贮能元件吗?
Conjugate gradient method, which can be easily computed and requires no matrix storage, is one of the most popular and useful method for solving large scale optimization problems. 共轭梯度法是最优化中最常用的方法之一,它具有算法简便、不需要矩阵存储等优点,十分适合于大规模优化问题。
Second, this paper studied the core technologies for developing the CAE system for construction curtain wall, such as sparse matrix storage and processor for FEA, parametric design and engineering modeling and so on. 然后针对建筑幕墙结构计算机辅助工程系统所涉及的与有限元分析相关的稀疏矩阵存储及求解技术、系统参数化设计技术以及工程建模技术等关键技术进行了较深入的研究。
Matrix provides some storage capacity and fractures provide the fluid-flow pathways. Ⅱ类的基质有较低的孔隙度和渗透率,基质提供储存空间,裂缝提供流动通道;
How to improve the efficiency for coefficient matrix storage and solve the equation quickly is the hotspot of recent research. 在节点较多时,如何提高有限元系数矩阵的存储效率,加快解方程的速度,是目前研究的一个热点。
The LDL~ T algorithm with band storage of the total stiffness matrix was adopted for solving stiffness equation instead of the inverse matrix algorithm with full storage which was used in the original program MCSL. 在求解刚度方程时,将程序MCSL中基于满阵存储的求逆矩阵法改为带状存储的LDL~T算法。
Application of Response Matrix at the BEPC Storage Ring 响应矩阵分析方法在BEPC储存环上的应用
A new algorithm of the diagonal matrix storage structure 一种对角矩阵存储结构算法的改进
By comparison with the traditional algorithm that expressed the target with chain code, the algorithm using matrix storage method is more convenient and reliable, thus the recognition quality of the image is much improved. 与使用链码方法表达目标的传统算法相比,使用矩阵表达方法更加简便直观,算法抗干扰能力更强,可靠性高,从而大大提高了对血细胞显微图像的识别质量。
This algorithm can keep the sparsity of matrix, decrease storage and solve some large-scale problems, while the matrix of corresponding coefficients of these problems may not be sparse. 该算法能够保持矩阵的稀疏性和减少存贮量,并且能够求解一些大规模的问题.而这些问题所对应的系数矩阵可能不是稀疏的。
Approach to matrix-based storage model of video 基于矩阵的视频存储模式研究
This paper introduces Petri net model of functional test pattern generation for VLSI. Relationships between operators involved in test sequence are accomplished via Petri. Reduced matrix compacting storage of net topology is constructed. 介绍了VLSI功能测试向量生成的Petri网模型和Petri网模拟测试序列中指令的关系,构造了压缩存储网络的拓扑信息的Petri网简约矩阵。
A method for extracting the beta-function and phase of the beam position monitors and the corrector magnets from the measured response matrix based on storage ring theoretical model is presented. 根据电子储存环理论模型,采用迭代方法从实测响应矩阵计算束流横向振荡的振幅函数和相位。
The iterative algorithms in C language were given, which used direct data replacement to reduce the dimension of matrix and saved the storage space. 在迭代算法中,采用直接数据置换降低矩阵维数,节省了存储空间,提高了运算速度。
Type ⅳ ( macroporous) reservoirs have high matrix porosity and permeability. Matrix provides both storage capacity and fluid-flow pathways, while fractures merely enhance permeability. Ⅳ类(大孔隙)的基质具有高的孔隙度和渗透率,基质提供储存空间和流动通道,裂缝仅增加渗透率。
The Research of Reducing High Level Matrix Calculation and Storage 减少高阶矩阵运算和存储量方法的研究
In the program, "one dimension variable-bandwidth store method" is used to store the data of global matrix so that the storage is minimal. 其中总刚系数矩阵采用了一维变带宽压缩存储方法,使得数据的存储量达到了最小。
The topological relationship of nodes and road sections in road network was expressed by adjacent node relation matrix and adjacent node weight matrix, which saved the storage space. 采用邻接结点关系矩阵和邻接结点权矩阵表达路网中结点和路段的拓扑关系,减少了路网的存储空间。
Encoder is made by four function modules: input cache unit, generate matrix storage unit, matrix multiplication unit and output cache unit. 按照功能,该编码器分成输入缓存单元,生成矩阵存储单元,矩阵乘法运算单元以及输出缓存单元四个主要组成部分。
The key features of the conjugate gradient algorithms are that they require no matrix storage and they are faster than the steepest descent method. 共轭梯度算法最大的优点是不需要存储矩阵,而且收敛速度比最速下降法要快。
The larger the dimension of the matrix tends, the lower the efficiency of matrix storage and computation is. 矩阵维数越大,矩阵存储和运算的效率越低。
The microcapsules obtained will be added to the cement paste matrix, obtained by storage temperature materials, and DTA curves of phase change materials in the building can be measured and their latent heat and repeating stability can be obtained after phase change. 将制得的微胶囊加入到水泥净浆基体中,制得储能控温建筑材料,测量它们的差热分析曲线,得出相变材料在建材中的相变潜热和重复相变后的稳定性。
Based on the iterative algorithm of Newton Raphson, the numerical approach of governing equations of fluid system is studied through combined the gauss jordan elimination with compression matrix storage technology. 根据Newton-Raphson迭代思想,结合雅克比系数矩阵的压缩存储技术,研究了基于高斯-约当消去法的流体系统控制方程组数值求解方法。
Based on the disadvantages of the overlapping information matrix with vast storage space and the overlapping computation with large number of multi-cycles, a new and improved sort-based DDM algorithm is proposed. 分析了基于排序数据分发管理算法的实现原理,针对其相交信息矩阵占用的存储空间大和区域匹配判断的循环计算次数多的不足,提出了一种改进的排序数据分发管理算法。